In Early Years the curriculum is to be enjoyed. A happy student wants to come to school and is best able to learn. The teachers are firm, yet at the same time warm, and accept mistakes as part of learning.
Field Trips are a part of studies. Children may visit a bookshop, a park, a flower nursery, a zoo or museum. Before each trip, students discuss how to behave safely and what thins they should look out for. After the visit, there is great scope for discussion and vocabulary development.
Art is an important part of the curriculum and in KG1 and KG11 there is an Art specialist who comes into classrooms to teach the students. Each year there is an Annual Art Competition and winners are selected from all age groups. The winning art work is featured in the school academic calendar.
Health and hygiene are an integral part of the curriculum and the students are taught to wash hands regularly and eat their Tiffin in a harmonious way.